
Posts Tagged ‘speculation’

Threat Stats Become Even More Useless

August 16, 2011 Leave a comment

If you don’t keep up with blue posts, I doubt you read this blog. Nonetheless, I should probably bring to your attention Ghostcrawler’s most recent Dev Watercooler.

This Week: 66% Threat Increase Hotfix

The threat generated by classes in their tanking mode has been increased from three times damage done to five times damage done.

(Yes, I know there’s more to GC’s remarks than just that; I’m taking them one at a time.)

Well, OK. Great, I guess. I know a certain shadow priest who’ll be ecstatic that he can switch his meta back to int+crit damage (Rhyolith was murder on him). At the same time, I feel like this isn’t really addressing the problem.

As you know, I play a warrior tank; you may not know that I tank alongside a bear, and that on seeing his example, I’m currently leveling a bear as a potential substitute for my warrior. The reason for this is that bears do a lot of damage, even when geared for mitigation. Bear threat is fine, and would continue to be fine even without this threat buff, because bear mitigation is based on a primary stat. Because of this their damage scales like DPS damage, which means their threat scales like DPS threat.

So yeah, great. Our threat will be nearly doubled, which will be an immense quality of life improvement for tanks and DPS alike. In fact, you’ve probably solved the problem for the rest of the expansion. But ultimately, you haven’t fixed the scaling problem – you’ve just patched it, and the perfectionist in me has a difficult time seeing that as a true win.

Upcoming Patch: Improved Vengeance Ramp-Up

Vengeance no longer ramps up slowly at the beginning of a fight. Instead, the first melee attack taken generates Vengeance equal to one third of the damage dealt by that attack. As Vengeance updates during the fight, it is always set to at least a third of the damage taken in the last two seconds. It still climbs from that point at the previous rate, still decays at the previous rate, and still cannot exceed the current maximum.

Nothing controversial here. Snap threat has been needlessly difficult since the implementation of Vengeance. Bravo and about time.

The one thing I do wonder is, how will this affect Vigilance? Depending on how the talent is implemented, it’s possible that it will retain the current Vengeance ramp-up instead of the improved version. Neither version would be particularly unbalanced, I’m just curious – though since the devs are making threat a non-issue, I may well find better use for that talent point elsewhere.

Plans for the Future: Survival On Hit?

That said, we ultimately don’t want tanking to be just standing there soaking boss hits and we would like to have more stats on gear that tanks care about. To solve those challenges, we want to shift more tank mitigation to require active management. We’ll still give all the tanks emergency cooldowns like Shield Wall and Survival Instincts. However, we want to move the shorter cooldowns like Shield Block, Holy Shield and Savage Defense so that they work more like Death Strike. Blood DKs have a lot of control over the survivability they get from Death Strike, but as part of that gameplay, they have to actually hit their target. The other three tanks will get similar active defense mechanics. This doesn’t mean everyone needs to use the DK model of self-healing, but they can use the DK model of managing resources to maximize survivability.

GC goes into a little more depth as to how this could be implemented on the blog; if you didn’t click the link earlier, here it is again. Check it out.

I’m going to give GC the benefit of the doubt and assume he’s talking about changes for the next expansion, because the specific examples he gave were largely either already present in game (e.g. Shield Block having a rage cost), or so out of sync with the current state of the game that I don’t think it would be an exaggeration to say that they would break the current balance of the classes (e.g. making Savage Defense an activated ability).

Even so, I’d like to offer my suggestions for how the devs could alter the tanking classes as they are right now to make us value threat stats more highly, without making us worry about threat:

  • Give tanking debuffs longer cooldowns (internal in the case of those linked to major abilities, e.g. Thunder Clap) and/or fewer activating abilities. This makes misses with those abilities matter to damage taken, without being the pass/fail mechanic that interrupt hitting was.
  • Give Savage Defense a small chance (10%?) to proc on hit, in addition to its 50% chance to proc on crit. You could also have the bubbles that procced on hit be half the size (or so) of the bubbles that procced on crit.
  • Modify Hold the Line to have a small chance (10%?) to proc on hit in addition to its proc on parry; or, remove the proc on parry and give it a slightly higher chance (20%?) to proc on hit.
  • Buff Impending Victory to the point where warriors begin to care. It doesn’t have to be a full Victory Rush, but a 15k heal isn’t very exciting. Make it heal for baseline 10% of max health instead of 5%; then, make a missed/dodged/parried Victory Rush not heal.

Paladins are in such an overpowered place right now that I can’t think of a good way to adjust them to care about threat stats, aside from the debuff suggestion of course. I think that the Seal mechanic would be a natural place to place survival benefits on hit, but given that Word of Glory’s healing eclipses Seal of Insight, I don’t think that would be much of an incentive.

My Predictions

The immediate threat modifier increase will barely be noticed in raids, except by a few high-DPS players. For the most part, they’ll simply make melee DPS less of a floorspec in 5-mans.

I think that we’ll see paladins become the test case for the new paradigm in 4.3. They are obviously in need of an overhaul – block capping is far too easy for them in 4.2, and they now have clones of both the druid and warrior minor cooldowns, putting them far ahead of the rest of the tanking pack in terms of survivability. It’s a given that the block chance offered by mastery will be reduced; and with block’s uptime safely secured below the cap, there’s a good chance that Holy Shield will return to being a passive upon the use of an ability that costs holy power. If this is the case, an implementation of the threat stats for survival concept would be easy: simply make Holy Power-consuming abilities use HP, and not trigger Holy Shield, even if the attack doesn’t land.

Warriors will likely receive a similar overhaul, but theirs may be slightly delayed as paladins are used as a test case. I don’t think druids will receive any active survival changes within Cataclysm, primarily because they are less likely than the other tanks to reject item level upgrades because of poor secondary stat itemization: the increased agility is often enough to make it an upgrade, however slight. Which, of course, brings me back to my first point.

Why is this Necessary?

The problem here isn’t threat, not really. The underlying problem here is that plate tanks are the only role in the game which values secondary stats significantly above primary stats, at all levels of gear. Threat stats aren’t “interesting” to plate tanks because for us, they’re competing with our most desired stats. If mages got more out of crit than int, you’d see them avoiding item level upgrades in favor of itemization too.

I think our lack of use for primary stats is the source of many of our design problems. It substantially alters the gear curve for plate tanks; it creates threat scaling problems between tanks and DPS; it negatively affects quality of life for raiders (can’t use feasts, can’t use flasks); it restricts serious plate tanks to the narrow band of professions that offer flexible stat bonuses (jewelcrafting, blacksmithing, alchemy, and arguably engineering); and it’s just plain poor design.

Before the next expansion, we will have a tier in which Effective Health is once again the paradigm to observe – but until then, it would have been nice if all of us scaled like druids.

More armor nerfs inc?

December 5, 2010 Leave a comment

I’m willing to bet a fair sum of gold that Wrath’s armor trinkets get nerfed to the ground before the end of 2010.

Consider this comparison. The Bedrock Talisman, a valor point reward, pales in comparison to our old friend the Glyph of Indomitability. Sure, its on-use is significantly better than the glyph’s, but compared to the Organ? the Scale? No contest.

At this point I’m strongly considering running with the Glyph as one of my entry-level raiding trinkets – even farming Prof well past 80 to see if the Organ will finally drop for me. (I can tell you in advance that it won’t.) I can only conclude that the devs are waiting patiently for Cataclysm to hit store shelves so that they can re-implement the drastic armor nerfs of 4.0.1 without the tank QQ that accompanied it last time.

…but I’ll still have my heart!

Where Tank Masteries Shine

November 15, 2010 Leave a comment

Sorry for the recent lack of content in this space; my WoW time over the past few weeks has been spent furiously leveling my hunter to 69 in order to catch a few exotic skins before the Shattering.

I’ve got a beginner-oriented post on the attack table in the works, to help the guildies who look to me for tanking advice understand dodge, parry and block, and how avoidance, block, and unhittability fit into the larger tanking picture. In the interest of being both thorough and accessible, I’m including a metric truckload of charts, which is where the holdup is.

In the meantime, I’ve been thinking about the different tank masteries and what kinds of (boss) fights which tanking classes will excel at.

Oh, and before we get started, I strongly recommend anyone interested in tank balance follow Zarko’s excellent post on the subject in the official forums. Yes, that is 38 pages so far of mostly on-topic, intelligent theorycrafting. No, you don’t need to follow anything beyond the first and second posts if you don’t want to: Zarko is updating the first post regularly as abilities change and the community discovers new things.

Anyway! Masteries and their relevance to different encounter types.

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Tanking Specs for 4.0.1 – Death Knights

October 12, 2010 4 comments

This is part 5 of a 5-part series on tanking specs in 4.0.1. I recommend you view the introduction to the series first.

I’m very sorry for the long delay in this post. The paladin post took longer than I expected, eating up my free time on Tuesday and forcing me to postpone further blogwork until this weekend; when, of course, I was busy preparing myself for the patch. So here it is, the DK post.

EDIT: Please see the comments for discussion on a couple places I went wrong.

Death Knights

The usual disclaimers apply: my death knight is not yet 80, I do not play as blood and I do not tank on him. These recommendations are based on my knowledge of tanking and my research into death knights, not on experience. Shaker-full of salt and all that.

My Picks

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A few thoughts on prot warriors in 4.0.1

October 12, 2010 Leave a comment

Yes, I know my DK tanking article is way overdue. It’s partially completed – it’s been partially completed for over a week now, though it has crept along in fits and starts – and I hope to have it up before the servers are tomorrow. A combination of real life and laziness has conspired to keep it from you. But these thoughts about warriors are on my mind right now, and I think I’ve got to get them out in order to get down to the DK business. Read more…

Tanking Specs for 4.0.1 – Paladins

October 5, 2010 1 comment

This is part 4 of a 5-part series on tanking specs in 4.0.1. I recommend you view the introduction to the series first.


I’ve never played a paladin. These are my best guess predictions/recommendations based on what I know of protadins, but take them with about a shaker-full of salt.

My Picks

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Tanking Specs for 4.0.1 – Druids

October 4, 2010 8 comments

This is part 3 of a 5-part series on tanking specs in 4.0.1. I recommend you view the introduction to the series first.


I’ve never played a bear. These are my best guess predictions/recommendations based on what I know of bears, but take them with about a shaker-full of salt.

My Picks

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Tanking Specs for 4.0.1 – Warriors

October 4, 2010 1 comment

This is part 2 of a 5-part series on tanking specs in 4.0.1. I recommend you view the introduction to the series first.


Warriors are my area of expertise, or at least experience, so let’s start with them.

My Picks

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Tanking Specs for 4.0.1 – Introduction

October 4, 2010 3 comments

By Boubouille’s estimation over at MMO-Champion, patch 4.0.1 could be hitting live servers as soon as October 5th. For those of you not familiar with Blizzard’s numbering system, 4.0.1 will be the pre-Cataclysm patch, in which all of the mechanics, ability and talent changes of Cataclysm are implemented without any new content. It will lay the groundwork for the expansion and allow players to acclimate to the shape of it all before we’re asked to perform our best in new content.

So let’s talk about the new tanking talent trees. Read more…

Items to Save for Cataclysm

August 31, 2010 1 comment

By now, we’re used to the way gear progression works when an expansion hits – first we get all epiced out, in gear which absolutely eclipses our first purples, and become Like Unto Gods Among Tauren – and then the expansion comes out, and within 2-3 levels we’ve replaced the majority of the purples we ground so hard for with greens and blues. But there are always a small handful items – usually trinkets, sometimes weapons – which extend in usefulness well into the next expansion’s raid content. Read more…