
Archive for the ‘A Little Link Love’ Category

A Little Link Love: Mo’ Content, Mo’ Problems

December 12, 2010 Leave a comment

Recently, my WoW time has been occupied with… actually playing WoW! So instead of writing a marginally insightful post cribbed from assorted influences, I’ll throw you the influences and let you sort it out.

First up we have an old old old favorite of mine by Reversion of Looking For More: Profiling Tanking and Healing: the ‘Shape’ of the Fight. I’ve been meaning to bring this excellent post up for ages, but Reversion covers it so well that I honestly don’t know what to say on the subject. It deals with the effect that kill orders, CC and doing a pull right has on multitarget fights, which makes it particularly apropos now that we’re in the expansion’s 5-man phase. Go read it! It has pretty graphs.

Speaking of the 5-mans, Pwnwear has two very useful compilations: first, how to find them, and then how to beat them. I personally am keeping to my “Go into every (normal mode) instance fresh and have fun wiping while learning the mechanics” method of instancing, but I know not everyone is crazy. By the way, Death Knights, if you’re not following Pwnwear you definitely should be.

Now, on to the theorycrafting! Rhidach has laid out his preferred (paladin) tanking enchants for the expansion at Righteous Defense. Because paladins can reasonably block cap his priorities and preferences are a little different from mine and many of yours, but nonetheless it’s a solid starting point for any tank. On the warrior side, Lujanera is working out which meta gem we should use – +armor, or +block value? The math is ongoing on this one, so if you’re a mathy kind of person, come weigh in.

Finally, while you wait for me to finally get my act together and post up my pre-raid BiS list, check out Rhidach’s pre-Heroics gear list.